Board of Directors
Beth Oyarzun (USA)
Chris Prokes (USA)
IBSTPI Scholars
Professionals who collaborate with IBSTPI on our initiatives and operations. In most cases, Scholars negotiate the specific project(s) they would like to support and the time that they might have available to contribute.
Iryna Ashby (US)
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Purdue University
Tenure: 2023 – present
António Moreira Teixeira (Portugal)
Department of Education and Distance Learning
Universidade Aberta
Tenure: 2018 – Present
IBSTPI Associates
IBSTPI Associate is a role and form of engagement that allows qualified early-career professionals and doctoral students to formally support the initiatives and operations in which they would like to engage.
Yan Chen (USA)
Postdoctoral Fellow,
Organization, Information & Learning Sciences Program,
University of New Mexico
Tenure: 2019 – Present
Xiaoman Wang (USA)
Ph.D. student in Educational Technology
College of Education
University of Florida
Tenure: 2019 – Present
Past Directors
Many practitioners and scholars have served on the Board, including the following:
Michiko Achilles
Michael Beaudoin
Roger Bourdon
Barry Bratton
Susan Bumpass
Bob Carleton
Saul Carliner
Maurice Coleman
Bill Coscarelli
William Daniels
Peter Dean
Ileana de la Teja
Patricia Douglas
Cliff Feigelson
Helge Flesland
Kristian Folkman
Rob Foshay
Marguerite Foxon
Jerry Gilley
Peter Goodyear
Judy Hale
Cathleen Hutchison
Kathy Jackson
Jan Johnson
Insung Jung
Khusro Kidwai
Debby King-Rowley
Judith Kirkhorn
James D. Klein
Gila Kurtz
Thomas Kopp
Steve Kozlowski
Tom Leavens
Mark J. W. Lee
George Limin Gu
James Marshall
Florence Martin
Michael Monar
John O’Connor
George Pollard
Stella Porto
Sandra Quesada
Clark Quinn
Robert Reiser
Rita Richey
Bob Roberts
Linda Robinson
Rhonda Robinson
Darlene Russ-Eft
Jim Russell
Fernando Senior
Davida J. Sharpe
John Shepherd
Dennis Sheriff
Sam Shmikler
Sharon Shrock
Ken Silber
Roderick C. Sims
Catherine M. Sleezer
Barbara Sorensen
Tim Spannaus
J. Michael Spector
K.R.V. Subramanian
Faith Stein
Duane Stevens
John Swinney
Mark Teachout
António Moreira Teixeira
Sivasailam Thiagarajan
Juan Pablo Ventosa
Jelke Van der Pal
Diane Wagner
Charline Seyfer Wells
Fred Wells
Odin Westgaad
Robin Yap
IBSTPI Fellows
Recognition of former Directors who have made significant contributions to the development of competencies for training and performance improvement.
Marguerite Foxon (Australia)
Performance Improvement Consulting
Barbara Grabowski, Ph.D. (USA)
Professor of Education
The Pennsylvania State University
Judy Hale (USA)
Hale Associates
James D. Klein (USA)
Division of Psychology in Education
Arizona State University
Michael F. Beaudoin (USA)
Professor of Education
University of New England in Portland
Tiffany A. Koszalka (USA)
Associate Professor Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation
Syracuse University, USA
Rita A. Richey (USA)
Professor Emeritus
Instructional Design
Wayne State University
Tim Spannaus (USA)
Senior Lecturer and Coordinator
Learning Design and Technology
Wayne State University
Juan Pablo Ventosa (Spain)
Founding Partner
Human Performance
Darlene F. Russ-Eft (USA)
Professor & Chair, Adult Education & Higher Education Leadership
Oregon State University, USA
Dennis E. Sheriff (USA)
Director of Instructional Design
Pfizer Inc.
Katsuaki Suzuki (Japan)
Professor and Chair, Graduate School of Instructional Systems
Kumamoto University, Japan
Ileana de la Teja (Canada)
Associate Professor
LICEF Research Center Tele-universityJan Visser, Ph.D.(France and USA)
President & Sr. Researcher
Learning Development Institute
Fernando Senior, (Chile)
Learning Strategist & Consultant
Past IBSTPI President & Vice President
Robert (Bob) Roberts (USA)
J. Michael Spector (USA)
Learning Technologies
University of North Texas
Jim Klein (USA)
Professor Emeritus
Instructional Systems Design
Florida State University